Let's start with some terms related to weight, because weight adjustment seems to be the most "urgent" topic here.
Overweight people weigh more than the average weight for their age and their body type, according to international standards.
Obesity is the condition characterized by excessive fat storage. Obesity is not just about appearance. It's a disease that increases the chances for heart attacks and diabetes.
Underweight people have lack of fat to such an extent that their health is endangered.
Body composition. The percentage of body weight that is fat, compared to the percentage of lean body mass (muscle, bone, skin, organs and water).
Local fat. The points with stored fat (thighs, abdomen). Fat stored in the abdomen is more dangerous for the health than fat stored in the legs.
Energy balance characterizes a body that has the ability to keep the weight stable. Energy balance is achieved only with a proper calorie intake. This way the calories that we gain from the food are equal to the calories that we burn through our activities. A disorder of the energy balance causes weight problems, such as obesity or weight loss. This can happen because of an over-training program or malnutrition or other medical reasons. To lose weight we need to burn the calories. To lose 1 kg of fat we need to burn 7700 calories. That means that to lose 0,5 kg a week we have to burn 550 calories daily.
- It supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients
- Reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases
- Gives us well being and resistance to stress and related stress factors
- Ensures aging well
- Lengthens life
- Cures various diseases
- Gives Energy
- Increases athletic performance
- Helps maintain normal weight levels
- Gives quality of life