Carbohydrates - the major source of energy. The main carbohydrate is starch. There are simple and complex carbohydrates.
Complex carbohydrates. They are found in pasta, cereals, vegetables, beans, rice, potatoes. They tend to have low-fat, low calories and they are rich in fiber. Sugars present in complex carbohydrates are recommended because they decompose slowly so our body gets a sense of completeness and we get the energy we need. Complex carbohydrates are a good source of fiber, which is related to the prevention of serious diseases such as cancer of the colon.
Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars. Here we can find refined sugar, honey and sugars contained in fruits and milk. An excessive use of these products leads to dietary deficiencies because they replace other more nutritious foods. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly and the blood sugar goes up. Thus we feel tired and hungry. Sugars in fruit and milk are good choices because they are combined with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. A diet rich in carbohydrates is necessary if you exercise regularly.
Proteins are consisted of amino acids which form the foundation of our life. They build, repair our tissues and regulate the metabolism. Our skin, our hair, our nails, our heart, our lungs and of course all our muscles are made of protein. Protein is made from smaller components, 22 amino acids. 14 of them can be formed in the body (we don’t have to get them from food). The remaining 8 are called essential amino acids and we should receive them from the food. The richest sources of proteins are foods such as meat, liver, milk, eggs and their derivatives. Sources of plant protein (not as rich as the animal) are: beans, peas, soybeans, peanuts, corn and cereals. Plant protein is not useless for the body. When we eat only vegetables we need a large quantity and a wide variety to have the daily requirements. The daily protein intake should range from 0.8 to 1 gram per kilogram of body weight and total should not exceed 12-15% of total caloric intake.