The food pyramid is a simple guide for selecting foods during a month, a week, a day. It includes six basic categories of foods (cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and poultry, fish). The food pyramid should be used in combination with counting calories received from fat.
The use of the food pyramid will help us eat better every day. Start with cereal, rice, pasta, vegetables and fruits. Add 2 to 3 equivalents from the category of milk and 2 to 3 from the category of meat. Each one of these foods contains some but not all of the ingredients you need. No category of food is more important than another - to be healthy we need them all. We should consume fat, oils and sweets sparingly.
Calories of energy nutrients
Nutrients provide the following calories:
1gr= fat 9 calories
1gr protein = 4 calories
1 gr carbohydrate = 4 calories
Ratio of energy nutrients for healthy eating
30% fat
10% saturated fat
10% monounsaturated fat
10% polyunsaturated fat
12% protein
58% carbohydrate & natural sugars
48% complex carbohydrates
10% simple carbohydrates
Drink a lot of water
Avoid salt
A glass of wine is allowed