Nutrition is the provision of the nutrients (materials in the form of food that are necessary to support life) to the human body. It contributes to health, beauty and longevity.What is energy?
The ultimate source of energy is the sun. This energy bounds in plant chlorophyll. Then animals eat plants so the energy is saved in their body. Our food is consisted of plants and animals, so we eat in order to provide ourselves the energy that is needed for our activities. Energy is available in our body in two forms: potential and stored. The potential energy is available in the process of metabolism. Energy that is stored in our body has the form of the glycogen.
What is a calorie?
We use calories as a unit of food energy. They come from nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamins, minerals and water do not contain calories. When we eat, our body separates the nutrients from the food and turns them into glucose. Part of it is burnt because it’s the direct source of energy for our activities. The rest energy is stored as glycogen.
What is metabolism?
Metabolism is the set of processes (which take place in our body) that turn the nutrients from the food we eat, into energy so that the components our body is consisted of are replaced