The most common excuse not to go to the gym is lack of time. Are you really so busy that you can not consider putting exercising in your schedule? Did you spend your time on things that are not priorities? If you often use lack of time as an excuse for your absence from the gym, here are some ways to see what really happens: 1. Complete a list of 10 things that are very important for you (things you love in order of importance) 2. Write down 10 things you spend your time on. 3. Look at the second list and note the activities (like waiting in line, talking on the phone, stuck in traffic, watching TV etc) from which you can steal 10 minutes during the day. 4. Next to each one, write how much time you spend on it and make a third list with the time you lose every day. 5. Sum the time and get your daily total average. 6. Compare the first with the second list. Do you dedicate most of your time on what is important for you? Do you catch yourself spending time on things that are not that imp...
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How to stay healthy and fit. Exercising tips, workout programs, healthy eating, nutritional rules, diets and everything about fitness.