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Fat and Cholesterol

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Why don't we exercise? Reasons and excuses

The most common excuse not to go to the gym is lack of time. Are you really so busy that you can not consider putting exercising in your schedule? Did you spend your time on things that are not priorities? If you often use lack of time as an excuse for your absence from the gym, here are some ways to see what really happens: 1. Complete a list of 10 things that are very important for you (things you love in order of importance) 2. Write down 10 things you spend your time on. 3. Look at the second list and note the activities (like waiting in line, talking on the phone, stuck in traffic, watching TV etc) from which you can steal 10 minutes during the day. 4. Next to each one, write how much time you spend on it and make a third list with the time you lose every day. 5. Sum the time and get your daily total average. 6. Compare the first with the second list. Do you dedicate most of your time on what is important for you? Do you catch yourself spending time on things that are not that imp...

Carbohydrates and Proteins

Carbohydrates - the major source of energy. The main carbohydrate is starch. There are simple and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates. They are found in pasta, cereals, vegetables, beans, rice, potatoes. They tend to have low-fat, low calories and they are rich in fiber. Sugars present in complex carbohydrates are recommended because they decompose slowly so our body gets a sense of completeness and we get the energy we need. Complex carbohydrates are a good source of fiber, which is related to the prevention of serious diseases such as cancer of the colon. Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars. Here we can find refined sugar, honey and sugars contained in fruits and milk. An excessive use of these products leads to dietary deficiencies because they replace other more nutritious foods. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly and the blood sugar goes up. Thus we feel tired and hungry. Sugars in fruit and milk are good choices because they are combined with vitamins, mi...

The real benefits of exercising

Many of us know that the main benefit of exercising is a healthy life. Healthy life is a wealthy life! But how does exercising affect longevity and what are the real benefits of it? Longevity Researches have shown that for every hour of workout we win up to 2.6 hours life. Physical activity gives us the possibility to delay various cancers while minimizing the risk of getting a heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, obesity, type II diabetes and osteoarthritis. Keeping the cardiorespiratory endurance, strength and flexibility in high levels, we minimize the need of medical care. The strength helps us improve our neuromuscular system (better control of body movements). Exercising makes our life more qualitative. It fights insomnia strengthens the mental clarity and helps reducing depression. Exercising gives us a better body Improved cardio respiratory system. Regular exercise (at least 3 times a week with a minimum of 20 minutes) strengthens the heart.  Improvement in cholester...

What is metabolism and what is a calorie?

Nutrition is the provision of the nutrients (materials in the form of food that are necessary to support life) to the human body. It contributes to health, beauty and longevity.What is energy? The ultimate source of energy is the sun. This energy bounds in plant chlorophyll. Then animals eat plants so the energy is saved in their body. Our food is consisted of plants and animals, so we eat in order to provide ourselves the energy that is needed for our activities. Energy is available in our body in two forms: potential and stored. The potential energy is available in the process of metabolism. Energy that is stored in our body has the form of the glycogen. What is a calorie? We use calories as a unit of food energy. They come from nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamins, minerals and water do not contain calories. When we eat, our body separates the nutrients from the food and turns them into glucose. Part of it is burnt because it’s the direct source of energy for our a...

Measuring fat and calories we get from the food.

Fat is an important element of the body and it's necessary for our life. Vital organs would not have any protection without it. Fat regulates the temperature of the body in extreme weather conditions. It is an important fuel for the body and it is burned to provide energy and safety mechanism against famine / hunger /malnutrition. We eat three to four times more fat than we need per day. We need a teaspoon of fat per day but in fact we consume 6 to 8 teaspoons. How can we avoid this? There is a way to measure fat we get from the foods. When you buy food you can find out how much fat is in that food with simple arithmetics. As you already know, the calories contained in the ingredients are: Fat = 9 calories / gram Protein = 4 calories / gram Carbohydrate = 4 calories / gram On the label of the product you buy you'll find the weight of all the components (usually per 100ml) and total calories of the product. Follow the following procedure to find a percentage of fat contained i...

Aerobic, strength, flexibility. Train the whole body

The importance of exercising the whole body is really huge. We have to exercise the front and the back side of it proportionally. When we workout the front of the thigh we should workout the back side as well in order to balance the result. The schedule in the gym should include a variety of exercises to practice all the parts of the body.  Without muscle balance, problems such as humps (strong chest - weak back), spine problems (dorsal strong - weak abs) may appear. This can happen as a result of a bad workout but also because of the fact that we don't workout at all. Our modern sedentary lifestyle leads to such imbalances. If we finally decide to include some action in our lives we must do it right... The workout should be stable, progressive and specific (it should be continuous, change progressively and be in accordance with our needs). Frequency (how many times a week), intensity (how much burden on the body), duration (how long) are required if we want to see the results. T...